Thursday, November 3, 2011

Milgram Experiment

In this experiment, Milgram and his team at Yale wanted to see how people behaved when put under an obedience test. Would a person go as far as to kill another person? From the results of his experiment, we can clearly see that about 65% of the people would go as far as to kill another person. The results are shocking, as I thought people would use their moral ethics in front of commands from another person. When looking at the Agency Theory and Ethics, this experiment questions,"Were these people really free to do what they did?". I believe that they were using their freewill as they knew they were a part of an experiment. Even when their conscience kicked in and they questioned their assignment, they still chose to follow instructions from the coordinator thus violating their "inner voice" and inevitably showed a lack of ethics. As the Agency Theory states, according to the Principle of Universal Casualty, every event is caused by an agent, but in this case, there isn't a very long history as the people in the experiment used their freewill to obey the instructions as they were given.

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